Raised between Northern France and United Kingdom, I’m a freelance multidisciplinary designer with a strong focus on typography, digital design, layout, and motion design. 
I thrive on experimentation, exploring various techniques and mixing visual styles. 
Rooted in deep research and my personal references, I pay attention to every details.

I work a lot with my partner and best friend Marie Ducrocq, under the name of DDS
(Dossier de Songe). We’re specialized in branding, artdirection and global design strategy. 
Don’t hesitate to reach us for work inquieries. We love to work.

Experience :

Freelance graphic designer (2019-Now)

Global digital designer @ Lacoste, Paris (2021-2022)

AD assistant, graphic and motion designer 
@ The Frankie Shop, Paris (2022-2024)

Diploma :

Graphic design and Typography
Master Degree @ ECV Paris (2020)

Exhibiton & Awards :


OFFF Barcelona (2022)

Typography Award to DDS

Deadlines (2023)@ La Recyclarie, DDS